Monday, June 1, 2009

Bird by Bird: Instructions on Writing and Life

In 1994, Anne Lamott's book, "Bird by Bird...Some Instructions on Writing and Life" was published.

I have no idea how she managed to record so many of my unique thoughts and feelings about writing. Or how she made them sound way more articulate than I ever could. I mean, back then, she didn't even know me.

Actually...there's a 99.999% chance she never will (ever the optimist I just can't bring myself to type 1-0-0-%). But after reading 150 pages of "Bird by Bird," I feel like I know some pretty important things about her. And THAT (to me), is a sign of a really great book.

One of my favorite things about her writing is the compassion and humor it conveys. I also love that Lamott is a Christian. And am secretly pleased to see swear words in a book written by someone who calls herself "born-again." I know this is not good.

One of my favorite lines is from the chapter titled "Index Cards:"
"I like to think that Henry James said his classic line, 'A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost,' while looking for his glasses, and that they were on top of his head." (Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird, Anchor Books, 1994)
Isn't that great? What good books have you been recommending lately?

Thank God for books. I pray that you have a blessed Monday, ladies and gentlemen. xoxox, Cheeky

NOTE: Image from PBS.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE ANne Lamott. She's who I wanna be when I grow up. A book I recommend to any/all is: Mary: Mrs. A. Lincoln by Janis Cooke Newman. (I know I already told you, Cheeky, but I have to tell your other readers.) It's historical fiction and about Mary Todd Lincoln. My book club discussed it tonight and NO ONE could put it down!! Read it, and then see if you think Faith could have helped MTL?!!

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

HI Sunshine! Thanks for the recommendation. Always happy to hear about a great book. My stack of six concurrent titles is down to five after finishing "Team of Rivals." Always like to have something historical in the mix. Am home sick today but hey - maybe good chance to reserve books on-line from library!! xox, Cheeky

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheeky!
When I first read Anne Lamott it was the first few chapters of Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year. I hated it! I threw it across a room. It was a new mom gift to me from my cousin whom I admire very much. All I could think is what is she thinking giving me this book?!

Seven years later I am divorced with not one but two boys who I adore and a former husband I wish would move on (wishing for him to change is a bit ambitious.) I am a survivor of domestic abuse.

My journey has provided many opportunities and I now am a 34 year old freshman who just finished my first semester of college (ever.) (Yeah me!) Reintorduced in my composition class after throwing Anne Lamott (the book) across the room seven years ago, I find myself surprised by how much I identify with her words.

I realize now my anger at reading her writing was a reflection of the hurt and my own feelings I was unaware of as a young mom.

Although I am not a Christian, or a fan of organized religion, I find her spiritual connection and journey inspiring. I find all pure spiritual discovery and questioning inspirational… even if I disagree.

Thank you for writing…


P.S. Books to COnsider Reading:
"Broken Open: How Diificult TImes Can Help Us Grow" Elizabeth Lesser

Anne Carson (Any and all books) "Glass, Irony and God"

AJ Jacobs "My Year of Living Biblically"

"My Stroke of Insight" Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Hi B - Thanks so much for your comments! You are a wise and resilient woman. So happy to hear from you. I will reserve the books you recommended. Congratulations on your successful first semester! I love that you shared some of your story with us. We all have so much to learn from one another, don't we? Bless you beautiful lady! xoxo, Cheeks

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