These days, if someone with real power acts humble I think, "What kind of ponzi scheme is this person running, anyway?"
If I was a world leader with power and prestige, instead of home leader with powerful morning breath, I'd be tempted to demonstrate that power (which I would hold so dear) pretty much every chance I got.
Is this true for you?
Let's take Palm Sunday for example. When Jesus is preparing for his Triumphal Entry into Bethlehem, he says to his disciples:
"Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.' " Mark 11:2-3His disciples fetch the colt and throw some cloaks on it. Jesus hops on and rides into town over the cloaks and branches his followers have spread on the road. You know the story.
I’m thankful that we serve a Lord so renowned that throngs of people gathered to greet him as he rode into Jerusalem that day.
I’m amazed that this incredibly powerful man requested a simple, humble, colt. It’s hard to fathom doing the same.
What would you have requested?
I pray that the great and mighty, humble and kind servant we call Jesus be with you today.
I'd have asked for a BMW, of course!! Red!
;-) A
Convertible? I didn't even consider a CAR! The possibilities are endless.
I'm quite certain I would have ordered, not requested, and there would have been some sort of cushy seat involved.
Thanks, A!
I think the more humility demonstrated, the more TRUE power exists. I even see that as somewhat evidence that Jesus was the real deal!
Amen, sister! As my pre-teen said, "Jesus was so powerful, he didn't have to ACT powerful."
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