Saturday, March 28, 2009

Never believe anything...

until it's officially denied.

"Mexican government is not on the verge of collapse, the top US intelligence official said Thursday, seeking to tamp down increasing alarm over the ..."
Yesterday when I signed the documents permitting my ex-husband to take the kids out of the country for spring break, the notary witness offered, "Mexico is very scary right now." Noting my trepidation, he then mumbled something conciliatory.

"Oh, really?!?! I hadn't heard!!," I wanted to say. A fresh pang. The Midwestern need to reassure, "Yes, I'm the Mother who thinks it's a bad idea," I answered with a pathetically hopeful smile. Lord please tell me I'm not signing away my childrens' lives.

I don't want the Mexican government to collapse. Ever. But if it does, I pray that holds off until, say, mid-April. That would work much better for my children and me.

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Matthew 6:34, I tell myself. I also tell myself: Breathe.

I also pray for you: for your relatives in Fargo, your homes, your jobs. You and your kids. Your lives in general.

Bless you beautiful ladies and one beautiful gentleman. Thanks for reading. I pray that you have a peace-of-the-Lord filled Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Oh!! You commented on the homes in Fargo!! I almost feel famous!! (and I'm not saying that tongue-in-cheek!!)

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

You are famous! There's a chance that up to six -- not to make you self-conscious, but maybe even up to -- seven -- people read this blog semi-regularly. Or have at least glanced at it once for 30 seconds. But even better you are loved. Your husband and your boys are heroes to my children. I told my kids they were helping out in Fargo and they thought that was very adventurous and cool.

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