Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Bible Lady?"

Someone called me a “Bible Lady” yesterday. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

When she said it, an image of a judgmental middle aged woman with tall hair and angry eyebrows flashed through my mind. You know, the one who looks down her nose at you and won’t move over to make room in the pew.

I know that’s not how my friend sees me. Mostly because I don't have tall hair. I wondered: why is this what I pictured?

I’ve pondered it. Believe me. I guess it’s because I’m concerned about how some people employ the Bible. They use it to bash each other over the head.

As Paul wrote to the Romans in the earliest days of the church, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.” Romans 14:13. They were squabbling mostly about what to eat and how to act on Sundays.

Some things never change.

I know another thing that never changes: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.

I pray that the Lord will wrap you in His loving arms today. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

What should we eat this Sunday?

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Generally you should stay away from anything with a forked tongue.

Anonymous said...

Cheeky, it depends on how you took the phrase "Bible Lady". I personally, would have taken it as a compliment. It just depends on our minds picture what that phase means. To me - Bible - good, Lady - good:)

That would have been as far as I would go.

We don't have to move beyond what is important.

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