Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu: Do Not Do This

What You Really Should Do: Distract Yourself

For some great chuckles, find an audio copy of "The Screwtape Letters"* written by C.S. Lewis and read by John Cleese. You must experience Cleese's delivery.

Lesser men have attempted to enliven Lewis' brilliant work and well -- ahem...they're just not funny.

Has anyone else heard this version of "The Screwtape Letters?"

Also, this might help:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Excerpt from a missive written by Paul to the Philippians 4:6-7) (Man, he was one smart dude.)
Oh, and remember to wash your hands.

You are in my frazzled-but-lovin'-it prayers today. xoxoxox, Cheeky

*This "purely for example" link may not lead you to best price for "Screwtape" audio copy but it's safe. The cover looks kinda scary but it really is funny. Click link to see what I'm talkin' about:


Unknown said...

Hi, i absolulely love CS Lewis and screwtape letters for that matter. I have not seeen any new version but my favourite book from him is 'Mere Christianity.' Have you read that???

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Hi Socrates, Thanks for stopping by. I have great respect for C.S. Lewis. After hearing great things from many well-regarded friends, purchased "Mere Christianity." I've started reading it like 492 times. Can't sink my teeth into it at this point in life...too scattered to focus on his deep, elegant writing. It remains on my "list." xo, Cheeks

antitheist said...

Your posts have encouraged me to hear a reading of the Screwtape Letters, although regrettably the Cleese version seems to be available on cassette only (!), so I'll have to try another version. I am a fan of Cleese, but it is Screwtape that is the bigger draw. I will hope for something more profound than the "Mere Chrisitanity" thesis which can basically be boiled down to "Jesus was either crazy, a liar, or God". What a small God that describes. Kind of like the miniature God described in the runaway hit book "The Shack".

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Hi antitheist...don't bother w/any other reading of Screwtape. It will put you to sleep if it doesn't bore you to death first. I suggest a cheap cassette player. It's worth it. Meantime...anyone else able to find Cleese's version in .mp3 or some such thing? I got a lead on another source the other day...will try to dig that up. More later. xo, Cheeks

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Hi, a friend found I can do for now. This clip doesn't give you context but it is good to hear Cleese's voice and provides a flavor for the rest of his reading. I listened to the whole book in short sections while multi-tasking, but that's just me :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'd love to put my name to this but I don't know of my kids will show me later :) I'm so sad for antitheist! But thrilled to see the scripture that gets me through my days lately..."Be anxious for nothing..." I literally stop in my tracks so many times a day to tell my gracious Lord what I'm freaking out about and find that promised and supernatural peace. Of course it is only after much head down, panic stricken wanderings that The Patient and Tenacious One taps me on the shoulder ever so gently (that is,only if He doesn't have to kick my butt to get my atention)and reminds me to lift my head and see Him and what He is offering me in that moment...rescue, relief, rest. Thanks for place to talk about my favorit subject!

Cheeky Church Lady in Training said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks so much for your comment and for your candor! Love what you said about lifting your head to see Him. So hard to do in the daily muck of life. Such a blessing those moments when we remember to do so. Also sometimes hard to recall days when Paul was Saul...glad we're all on the journey together. xox, Cheeks

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